Federal Law Enforcement Jobs are plentiful for those who meet the requirements. With an eye on Homeland Security more than 104,000 Federal Enforcement jobs have been created since 2004. These jobs come from two different sectors, uniformed law enforcement and investigative. Uniformed law enforcement work on behalf of safety and security for federal and government agencies. The investigative arm of Federal Law Enforcement works on behalf of individual agencies such as, the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Environmental Protection Agency and the CIA just to name a few.
Those who are interested in working in Federal Law Enforcement may be required to relocate to Texas, the District of Columbia, New York, or Florida. This is where more than half of federal law officers are employed.
The Department of Homeland Security alone is in the process of hiring 47,000 employees, while the Department of Defense is looking for over 35,000 qualified people. Many of these Federal Law Enforcement jobs are available due to the fact that more than half of the current federal employees are now eligible for retirement.
Jobs that where once handled by the Department of Treasury, Justice Department, HHS, Defense Department, FBI, Secret Service, GSA, the Energy, Agriculture, and Transportation Departments, along with the U.S. Coast Guard, have been transferred under the banner of the Department of Homeland Security. Each new grouping of jobs are listed under several different divisions of homeland security. They are:
Border and Transportation Security, Emergency Preparedness and Response, Information Analysis and Response, Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection, Science/Technology, and Management.
For more information on Federal Law Enforcement Jobs it is recommended that you visit their website. From there you will find information on jobs that are available and requirements. More than 44,000 jobs are posted due to vacancies by those retiring and new jobs created through the Department of Homeland Security.
Besides jobs available, there is information on salary rates, training and qualifications, plus guidance resources. A federal resume writing service is also available to make sure that you have the best chance when applying for one of the thousands of jobs listed.