There is much more to Internet marketing than just making money. You will want to think about your emotional and psychological health, in addition to your financial health. Working from home as an online entrepreneur will change your life completely, and this can be an amazing experience for anyone who wants more from their life. The benefits include flexibility with your work schedule, the ability to be creative in your daily work, as well as unlimited income potential.
For more than twenty years I was a classroom teacher, which required me to leave my home before six each morning. I was typically finished by about four in the afternoon. Even though I am not a morning person, this work schedule is not too bad. The main difficulty is that you cannot schedule medical appointments during the day, and if there is something you would like to do during the day, such as attend a special event for someone in your family, that is just not possible.
At the same time I was also working in real estate, as both a broker and a residential appraiser. This meant that I had appointments after school on most days, and also worked full days on weekends, holidays, and during the ten weeks each year I was not teaching. This made for long days and weeks, and after a few years I wondered if I would ever have the time to do some of the things I wanted to do.
Working online gave me time freedom, and now I am able to travel, volunteer for charities, and spend time with my family and friends. This has changed my life completely, and I could not even imagine going back to the old schedule.
I had never considered myself to be a creative person, but that has changed since coming online. Once I started writing articles, short reports, and eBooks, and then began creating my own products, I realized that I did have a creative side to me after all. I love the idea of thinking about something and then turning that into a course or a product that others will benefit. I now experiment with different types of product and content creation to see which ones work best and are the most beneficial to my students and prospects.