One of the most important things for someone new to Internet Marketing to understand is you must develop your brand. Whether we realize it or not, our personal brand is being projected everyday through all our interactions and online communications. We are use to using this term about large businesses but we can fail to understand its importance to us on a personal level.
Your branding determines what people think of you and how they see you. My mother use to tell me that people see you before you ever speak. The prinicple is the same online. People see who you are by your brand before they ever hear you speak.
As you are thinking about branding you don’t have to look to someone else to do your branding. No outside company, no fees, no problems…just do it yourself branding for newbies.
So, let’s look at do it yourself branding for newbies. It’s not hard so don’t get nervous.
First thing you need to remember is be yourself. Do you remember the last time you were around a fake? You just wanted to get away from that person. Well, people can spot a fake coming. Don’t be someone you’re not. Just be you. This is the most comfortable way to live life. People are looking for that which is authentic.
Second thing to remember in do it yourself branding for the newbie is you have to determine what your brand is. You need to ask the following questions. What makes you different from everyone else? What do you want to be known for? Now don’t just read over these. Take some time thinking about them and working this out.
The third thing we need to look at is you must make yourself visible. I know that you may be saying I already have a website or a blog. But let’s take it a little farther with do it yourself branding for newbies. One mistake that we can make is the field of dreams mentality – build it and they will come. They will not. You have so much competition for people’s attention now.